by Adult Services Library Associate Nichole
Now that Spring is here, it’s time to get outside! Did you know that with your Bexley Public Library card you can check out telescopes and birding kits?
Two birding kits, one for individuals and one for families, are available for a two-week checkout period. Each pack contains one set of binoculars, a variety of three field guides, two birding activity sheets, and a Birding Quick Start Guide. The family kit includes an extra set of compact binoculars suitable for a child or adult. Check out the borrowing guidelines here.
After you’ve checked out your birding kit, head on over to Bird Watcher’s Digest to find Ten Bird Watching Hotspots in Ohio. Don’t want to drive to Hocking Hills or Shawnee State Forest? Try visiting one of our many wonderful Metro Parks, perhaps Scioto Audubon or Pickerington Ponds!

As the nights get warmer, what better time to borrow a telescope from BPL? Two telescopes are available for patrons to view astronomical events, learn more about our solar system and develop a greater appreciation for the earth’s place in the universe. These telescope kits include EZ Finder Scopes for aiming, instructions, eyepieces for magnification, LED mini red flashlights to help with night vision, and skygazing resources. Check out the borrowing guidelines here.
Want to venture out of your backyard to explore the sky? Head over to Columbus Astronomical Society to read up on observing sites where you’ll learn more about the John Glenn Astronomy Park and the Perkins Observatory (located just north of Columbus)!

One of my favorite outdoor activities this spring has been exploring trails, big and small, across Ohio. Recently the Ohio Department of Natural Resources released the DETOUR app which allows you to explore trails systems across the state from your phone. You can explore Columbus & Franklin County Metro Parks, Cleveland Metroparks, Central Ohio Greenways, and so many more!
Whatever you do this spring, make sure to get outside and soak up all of the goodness that Mother Nature has bestowed at our feet!