by Public Services Associate & Creative Content Coordinator Hannah

Left: Hannah Fithen Wade, Patron Services Associate & Creative Content Coordinator
Photo by Leah Boyden
Bexley Public Library’s Juliana invited fellow Patron Services Associate Hannah to consider her past, present and future reading journey.
What was your most memorable read from the past year?
“Each book I read with my niece is the best book ever. If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff for the fifth and eleventh time? Yes, please! Her excitement seeing the illustrations and questions about the characters renews my own love of reading.”

What are you currently reading?
“My husband recently gifted me a copy of A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman. Each page shares so many fascinating tidbits about things we often take for granted that I wanted to slow down. Now, I am happily ruminating in Ackerman’s poetic prose without feeling guilty for having the library copy always checked out.”

What are your future reading plans?
“Working in a library, we cross paths with more books than there is time to read. It can be intimidating. Rather than a to-do list, I prefer to view my TBR piles like an archaeologist. Here is where my interests once laid and over here is where they may someday go. In the same spirit, I invite you to join me in setting the following goal: read a little more and a little more diversely than we did last year. And remember, picture books always count!”
We love being a part of your reading journey and look forward to seeing you at the library this year!