Programs Recommendations Staff Book Reviews

Ohio Day Trips, or, There and Back Again

A Journey Through Middle Earth the Buckeye State

by Programming Librarian Zach

The final school bell for the year has rung, longer days and warmer weather have arrived, and the official beginning of summer is right around the corner. Now, what to do with all of this extra time? Not to worry, the Bexley Public Library has you covered!

Bexley History Programs

Celebrating 50 Years With Bexley’s Own Miss America 1972

by Local History Librarian David

Thousands lined the streets of Bexley for a 68-unit parade of marching bands, floats, bagpipes, and drill teams, reminiscent of the city’s annual Independence Day celebration. However, on this day, in mid October, royalty was celebrated. On the last float, cradling a bouquet of red roses in one arm and waving to the crowd with the other, sat Laurel “Laurie” Lea Schaefer, Bexley’s own Miss America 1972.