Booklists Recommendations

Happy Toni Morrison Day!

by Public Service Associate Juliana

February 18th is Toni Morrison Day in Ohio. To celebrate, I’ve spent the last couple weeks rereading my favorite Morrison novel, Song of Solomon. Toni Morrison’s novels live on the top shelf of my bookcase at home, a space reserved for reverence. I first read her as a college student, and she quickly superseded the ranks to become one of my favorite authors. 

Booklists BPL News & Information Recommendations

A Day On: Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Bexley and Columbus

by Public Service Associate Owen

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a towering figure of the Civil Rights movement in the 1960s. Today, we honor his legacy, his commitment to non-violence, and his incessant will to see America through to true societal equality. While it can be easy to treat Martin Luther King Jr. day as just another holiday or day off, I believe it is important to take action on a day like this. Ohio state Senator Hearcel Craig calls Martin Luther King Jr. Day “a day on, and not a day off, because of what Dr. King represented and his focus on service.” So, if you are looking for ways to get involved and to honor Dr. King’s legacy, I have compiled some materials, resources, and events to plan a day of service around.

Booklists Recommendations

Artist Focus: Van Gogh

by Public Service Associate Juliana

Are you planning to visit the Immersive Van Gogh Exhibit Columbus? Or maybe you already have? Perhaps the buzz alone has sparked your interest to learn more about the artist and his work. I recently checked ticket availability and discovered the exhibit date has been extended through February 27. That allows time for some homework. As a self-described lifelong learner, I draw great joy from a tall stack of study materials. When I go to the exhibit it will not be a Wikipedia-on-the-way type situation. This month, I plan to spend a couple of mornings before work with art books open on the kitchen table, followed by evenings absorbed in Van Gogh biopics. Immersive is in the exhibit’s title, and I want a truly immersive experience, which wouldn’t be complete without a worthy read and watch list.  Let’s indulge in Van Gogh, shall we?

Booklists Staff Book Reviews

Columbus Reads

by Public Service Associate Owen

Our humble capital city of Columbus is one of the nicest places to live in the state, and perhaps even the country! If you’re optimistic enough, that is. Often scoffed at by those who don’t reside here and often underappreciated by those that do, I am here to sing the praises of our state capital and to highlight some of the books that provide insight into what makes Columbus a special place to live. From the Statehouse to the Chill, here are four books about Columbus!

Book Club Booklists BPL News & Information Programs Virtual Book Club

BPL Book Club in Review; 2022 Preview

by Public Service Associate Beth

2021 was such exciting an year for the BPL Book Club! We read books new and old, discovered authors from around the globe, and, after many months of discussions on Zoom, we finally met in person! Thanks to all those who participated online and in the BPL Quiet Reading Room. Now it’s time to take a look back at what we read in 2021, and to see what we have planned for 2022. And, of course, be sure to join us in the New Year as we embark on even more literary adventures. Whether you’re a regular or first-timer, we’d love to have you!

Booklists Recommendations

‘Tis the Season to be Reading!

by Public Service Associate Hannah

It’s the most wonderful time of year! When hearts are glowing with seasonal books and good cheer. Heedless of the wind and weather, I hope these suggestions will bring you great pleasure.


International Mysteries

by Public Service Associate Autumn

Nelson Mandela once remarked that “When we read, we are able to travel to many places, meet many people and understand the world.” While these wise words apply to basically every book, they seem especially true about international mystery novels. Such novels allow readers to explore a culture and a world beyond their own, helpfully with a clear focal point.  Not only are these books filled with brilliant crimes and more brilliant detectives, but they show people and societies at the extremes, revealing all the little cracks in characters and in human societies. They can manage to reveal both the fundamental differences between cultures and the universality of human nature.  

Booklists Recommendations Staff Book Reviews

Books I’m Thankful For

by Public Service Associate Owen

I find Thanksgiving to be a wonderful holiday, where friends and family can gather with purpose to be thankful for each other and for what has gone well in their lives. This is the time of year where I am most attentive to what good is around me and what has shaped me as a person. This is especially true with books, which have had such a profound effect on how I was raised and how I view the world today. In this blog post, I will briefly elaborate some of the literary works that have had a substantial impact on my life. In doing so, I hope to both open your eyes to some of these monumental works, as well as to encourage you to reflect on some of the authors and books that have affected your life in a positive way.

Booklists Recommendations

Veterans Day Books for All Ages

by Adult Services Manager Whitney

As we honor all US military veterans this week, here are some books for all ages that explore the perspectives and challenges of the men and women who have served our country. Libby has also created a collection of over 160 titles curated by librarians on Military Memoirs and History.

Bexley Writes Booklists


by Public Service Associate Juliana

November is National Novel Writing Month!

“National Novel Writing Month began in 1999 as a daunting but straightforward challenge: to write 50,000 words of a novel in thirty days. Now, each year on November 1, hundreds of thousands of people around the world begin to write, determined to end the month with 50,000 words of a brand new novel. They enter the month as elementary school teachers, mechanics, or stay-at-home parents. They leave novelists.”